Fermented Honey Elixir

8oz Raw Organic Honey (look for local for allergy benefits)

1 Organic Ginger Root

1 Head Organic Garlic

1/2 tsp Turmeric

1/4 tsp Black Pepper

  • Peel the ginger with a spoon to remove the skin and roughly chop. Peel and roughly chop garlic.

  • Add ginger and garlic to a sterilized mason jar. Add turmeric and black pepper. (you can also just do this right in the jar of honey if you already used some up - use glass)

  • Pour enough honey to cover all ingredients by at least one inch. Leave about an inch of room at the top of the jar. Stir with a clean spoon or shake to incorporate all ingredients.

  • Shake every day for 2 weeks. Mixture should get more watery and darken as it ferments.

Use as a preventative or any time you feel run down or sick. If you are fighting an illness take 1 tsp 3x/day until you improve. You can also add to tea to spice it up!


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